Promise Partnership Education Innovation Award Grant Application

To submit your application, please fill out the online form here

Requester’s email address
Requester’s First and Last Name
Requester’s Phone Number
Requester’s Title
School Principal/Administrator First and Last Name (if not the requester):
School Principal/Administrator email address (if not the requester):
School Principal/Administrator Phone Number (if not the requester:
Name of School
School District or Chartering Authority
Address of School
Grades served by the School
Percent of students eligible for free and reduced price lunch

Describe your proposed innovation(s), the specific area(s) of innovation that it addresses, and when you will implement the innovation(s).* (750 words or less) Eligible areas of innovation include: leadership and culture; disruption of tracking or homogenous groupings of students; measurement and data; cross-sector partnership and family engagement; and/or technology, curriculum and virtual learning.


Describe how your proposed innovation(s) will directly address the opportunity gap that impacts low-income and/or students and families or color and multiple language learners.* (500 words or less)


Describe how your proposed innovation(s) are responsive to the school’s specific context and community, and reflect creativity, dedication, and transformation in behavior from the status quo. * (750 words or less)


Describe how your proposed innovation(s) are anticipated to impact student learning and engagement and how you will measure the impact. * (500 words or less)


Describe the degree to which your proposed innovation(s) demonstrate meaningful inclusion of students, parents, community partners, and volunteers. * (500 words or less)


Is there anything else you’d like to share? (250 words or less)
